A great discussion generated this topic about ways to maximize the quality of your direct mail and life insurance prospecting campaigns.
Not only did we talk about how to create more efficiency in the planning of an insurance lead program but also how to utilize some of the tools to create additional opportunities.
This is a hot topic for those of you putting your hard earned commissions into the various lead companies.
Most of us are always looking for ways to simplify the life insurance sales and prospecting process.
Below are the steps required to map your territory and make the your life insurance prospecting grind a little easier.
- Identify your target market, such as life insurance, home and auto, commercial, etc., to help determine the types of prospects you want to target.
- Enter your office address.
- Enter your search radius, such as two miles, five miles, etc.
- Click Save and Voila!
Click the two-minute video below to see how easy you can turbo-charge your life insurance prospecting efforts.
In this example we simulate drawing a three-mile radius around your office to laser target your life insurance prospects. This is accomplished with an internal program we use that we’re happy to share with you. Whether you are trying to generate life insurance leads or commercial insurance leads, this prospecting strategy works. Check it out for yourself, it only takes two minutes to watch!
Learn to Generate Leads with Mapping
We did another example using the same tool but to actually target down to the street level. We used the same office location and drew a polygon around the exact neighborhood we wanted to target just south of the office. This could have easily been to the north or east, the point here is you have complete control on exactly how you want to build your insurance marketing campaign. Check out the screen shot below and imagine all the neighborhoods and areas around your office that you could be targeting.
Ok so now you know the capabilities of targeting your life insurance prospects.
Are your wheels spinning?
Do you have specific areas close to your office that you think might be a honey pot of insurance leads?
Are you interested in having us review your territory and help you create a targeted lead campaign?
We are here to help you build a more successful insurance agency. Just get in touch and we’ll gladly help you use mapping to generate more insurance leads.