Winflex is the most widely used quote tool life insurance agents and financial advisors use to run illustrations for their clients. Learn more here.
IUL Illustration Beats Fixed Indexed Annuity – Should You Show It?
Learn the shocking truth of how an IUL can out perform a fixed indexed annuity and give you an edge on your competition. Learn More Here.
How to Sell Indexed Universal Life Insurance: Agent’s Ultimate Guide
Looking to sell more Indexed universal life insurance? This ultimate guide will help you better educate your prospects and get more clients.
Does Indexed Universal Life Work?
Does indexed universal life work? These examples clearly show that YES, Indexing can and does work when you build your cases correctly.
Three Steps to Implement Wealth Transfer into Your Practice
Here’s a scenario: one of your clients has an IRA and they want to leave it as an inheritance for their children or grandchildren. What do you do?
More evidence of market’s need for IUL
Recent consumer research by LIMRA further defines the glaring need (and opportunity for agents) for Indexed Universal Life being a part of clients’ retirement portfolios.
Warning: taxes on the horizon; now is time for tax free retirement
So many people—even the ones we think are really smart—are risking their retirement because they are simply unaware of the benefits of tax free retirement. Get on the bandwagon as tax rates rise.